Maryna Tomaszewska


HFMPT, 2013
Five artists books
Curator: Zbigniew Libera
BWA Wrocław Galerie Sztuki Współczesnej

In October 2012, an open call was held for the project Studio of Masters: Curator Libera. Six artists were selected from 78 applicants, including Maryna Tomaszewska. They worked with Zbigniew Libera for a year on an exhibition that took place at BWA Awangarda in Wroclaw in December 2013. 

Tomaszewska’s project was based on metanarrative, and involved the creation of five artist books. Each book was dedicated to one of the artists participating in the exhibition. The starting point was conversations and numerous meetings. The artist asked them about their views, tastes, obsessions, observed them at work, and listened during joint discussions. She also conducted an analysis in terms of character, family, and numerology. The titles – H, F, M, P, T – are derived from the artists’ names, but the books are not biographical, or an analysis of their work or a summary of the activities of the group exhibition, but a very personal vision of a particular character. Although each book is a separate entity, and the titles indicate who the protagonist is, the common denominator is the author: in each book she perversely refers to herself, her life, and experiences. After seeing and reading all books, one can learn the most about Tomaszewska, and not, as the titles might lead us to believe, about the original characters.